- Codeunit in AL language
- Business Central development
- Custom solutions in Business Central
What is a Codeunit?
A Codeunit in AL language is a container for AL code that performs a specific business task, operation or logic. Think of it as a module or a library where you can group related procedures and functions. This encapsulation makes your code more organized, modular, and reusable. Codeunits in AL are analogous to classes in other object-oriented programming languages, though they don’t support inheritance. Here are some examples of codeunits in AL language.
The first line of a codeunit declaration typically includes both a number and a name. This line is crucial as it uniquely identifies the codeunit within the system. Here’s a breakdown of this line:
- Codeunit Number: This is a unique identifier assigned to the codeunit. In Business Central, each object type (like pages, tables, reports, and codeunits) must have a unique number. This number is used internally by the system to distinguish one codeunit from another. In a custom development environment, the numbering typically starts from a specific range (e.g., 50000) to avoid conflicts with the standard object numbers used by Microsoft.
- Codeunit Name: Following the number, the codeunit is given a descriptive name. This name is used for easy identification of the codeunit’s purpose by developers and administrators. The name is enclosed in quotation marks.
For example, in the codeunit declaration
codeunit 50100 "Inventory Management"
is the unique identifier of the codeunit, and
"Inventory Management"
is its descriptive name.
This combination of number and name ensures that each codeunit can be easily identified and referred to within the AL code and the Business Central environment.
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